+91 7304 550 441 / 442 sales@pipecraft.in



Steam Generation, Distribution & Condensate Systems

We can supply and install a broad range of steam boilers (IBR & Non IBR) suited with multiple ranks of specifications to cater to every industry possible that requires a reliable smooth steam boiler systems, including healthcare facilities, hotel & resorts, breweries and distillers, food and beverage processing, commercial laundry, textile manufacturing and automotive manufacturing. We provide best consultation to ensure that our customers are aware of the available types of steam boilers available on the market to achieve the steam boiler best suited to their industries at a cost-effective and time-saving approach.

We ensure that we can supply and install quality steam boiler (IBR & Non IBR) including steam & condensate piping (IBR & Non IBR) and additionally provide maintenance and regular services to keep your steam boiler system operation in check.

Hot Water Generation & Distribution Systems

For hotels and resorts, a high-performance hot water system is absolutely critical to their success — to the point that even a few hours of downtime can be devastating to their bottom line. Hot water needs are essential functions for any hotel, resort, hospitals, etc. because the hospitality industry has a professional mandate to make sure their guests always have access to hot water on demand. Between 24-7 usage and fluctuations and high-pressure in the hot water system demand during times of peak usage, hotel steam boilers / heat pumps can experience heavy wear-and-tear, along with scale accumulation over time. If the hot water system goes down, the hotel cannot provide critical services to its guests.
We provide a full range of centralized hot water systems through steam boilers, heat pumps, solar panels for the hospitality industry and other sectors to ensure they can stay operational and meet their customers’ expectations. We also provide custom design and build services for centralized hot water systems.

Compressed Air Systems

Compressed air is regular air, the volume of which has been decreased with the help of a compressor. Often used for blowing with air blow guns, air nozzles and air knives to generate movements and lifting, or to clean, move or cool materials. Compressed air is often seen as a clean and safe energy source that can be easily used for a number of different industrial purposes. Compressed air acts as an energy source for a variety of tools and machinery, and it is often an important and well integrated part of many production processes. We provide design, procurement and installation of compressed-air systems that are safe, reliable and energy efficient for industrial needs.
Our services are customized to your industry needs and the product brands that you prefer for Air Compressor, Air Filters, Air Dryers, Air Receivers, etc.

Water Pumping & Distribution Systems

Water pumps, Hydropneumatic system & dewatering systems are water control equipment that utilise pumping or drain various forms of water from industries, hotels, hospitals, commercial and even residential buildings.
We are highly capable and can offer specialist expertise in the supply and installation of pumps and hydropneumatic pumping systems.

Fuel Oil Storage & Handling Systems

We are able to draw on significant experience in the design and construction of bulk fuel storage facilities in a wide range of industrial sectors inlcuding, IT Parks, Hotels, Hospitals, etc. For their daily needs for operating Boilers, Diesel Generators, etc.
We provide design, installation of Fuel Oil Storage Facilities as per PECO / CCOE requirements and can provide the necessary licences required for the storage and installation.

Thermic Fluid Piping Systems

A thermal fluid system, also known as a hot oil, thermal liquid (or sometimes Dowtherm) system, is an industrial heating system wherein a special heat transfer liquid is recirculated by a pump through a fired heat exchanger where its temperature is raised for use in heating various processes.
We supply a system that exactly meets the end customers process requirements for thermal fluid flow, temperature and capacity.

LPG Bank & Distribution Piping Systems

LPG has had a big role to play in today’s manufacturing world. We can Provide VOT (Vapour Off-take) conventional Manifold systems as well as LOT (Liquid Off-take) system which is an advance concept in multi cylinder installations.
With proven excellance we can provide design, supply & installation of LPG Bank and its Distribution piping network upto kitchen equipments / user points along with the necessary approvals for installation from local authorities.

Natural Gas Piping Systems

Natural Gas distributed through a pipeline network that has safety valves to maintain the pressure, assuring safe, uninterrupted supply to the domestic sector for cooking and heating / cooling applications.
We design and provide installation services of downstream piping network for various industries, hotels, hospitals, commercial and even residential buildings along with the necessary approvals for installation from local authorities.

WTP / WWTP / STP Plants

Domestic water treatment, filtration is the most widely used process. For industrial & domestic water treatment plants as per requirements, comprises of Water Softners, DM Plants, UV, RO, UF, Stand Filter, Carbon Filter, Dual Media Filters, etc. STP play a critical role in keeping residents healthy and safe by cleaning waste water with a bunch of chemical, physical and biological procedures before disposing it into the environment. Industrial wastewater, on the other hand, comes from manufacturing, industrial and commercial activities carried and has a completely different composition than sewage water.
We provide Design, Supply, Erection & Commissioning of different type of treatment plants for industrial & Domestic uses.

Vacuum Piping Systems

A number of processes used in the industry operate at pressures below atmospheric (i.e. under vacuum). The main reason for vacuum processes is the ability to lower operating temperatures, thereby saving fuel and avoiding decomposition of hydrocarbon streams.
We provide Design, Supply, Erection & Commissioning of Vacuum pumps, Receivers, related piping, etc.

Fire Fighting Systems

Fire protection systems are designed to fullfill two general requirements: protection of life and protection of property and assets. There are two types of fire protection systems, Active Fire Protection (AFP) and Passive Fire Protection (PFP). Each system plays specific role in minimizing the impact of fire.

Active Fire Protection
Active fire protection (AFP) refers to equipment or systems installed to actively detect and/or control a fire when it occurs, for example sprinklers or smoke detectors.

Passive Fire Protection : Passive fire protection (PFP) enhances certain components of a facilities or building’s structure to limit the spread of fire. PFP systems can be fire-resistance rated walls and doors, fire-resistant glass, cable coating and others. As a fire protection systems contractor we can assess, design, procure, and install fire Hydrant, Sprinklers, Detection and Alarm systems, as well as fire fighting system equipments. We ensure that equipment and materials are installed in accordance with applicable legal requirements and appropriate engineering standards.

Pressure Vessels, Tanks & Chimney Fabrication & Mechanical Erection of Equipment’s for Various Industries

We are progressive company in the field of Fabrication for Chimney, Pressure Vessels, Fuel Oil Storage Tanks, Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers, Tanks, Etc. We also are a reputed Erection Contractor, Heavy Structural Fabrication, Piping Fabricator. Our Equipments Erection services are highly reliable and provided under the guidance and control of the experienced professionals with latest and technologically advanced equipment’s and machineries.

Utility & Process Piping Systems for Industries / Pharmaceuticals

Industrial and utility piping systems are primarily used to transport or process fluids—both liquids and gases. These systems are designed and constructed to suit and support specific applications, such as heating, cooling, filtering, steam generation, or compression. By employing some of the principles of piping design, manufacturers can engineer and produce more efficient fluid transfer methods. We have extensive experience designing and installing high quality piping systems to meet our clients’ individual needs. We work with an array of materials to produce industrial process piping suitable for the safe and efficient transfer of various fluids. Some of the common materials used for piping construction include: Mild Steel, Galvanised Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, CPVC, PP-R, HDPE, PVC, Copper, etc.

Thermal & Acoustical Insulation

Thermal acoustic insulation is used to reduce heat and sound in commercial, industrial and other applications. In manufacturing and processing facilities, this multi-functional insulation is used with machine enclosures, pipes, valves, etc.

We offer an range of Hot & Cold Insulation services for various industrial sectors. We render Hot Surface Insulation Services of steam & condensate pipeline, hot water, chilled water, thermal fluid, chimney & vessels, process pipeline, etc.

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